Our Values

Food Safety Focused Perspective
- Always keeping the perspective that cares about food hygiene, food safety and human health at all stages related to greenhouse activities,
- Taking an attitude towards eliminating or minimizing the risks that may endanger food safety and human health in the input, production process and final product stages,
- Being able to successfully apply the relevant legislation while addressing customer requests, needs and expectations on the one hand.

Quality Perspective
- To be able to meet customer expectations continuously,
- A perspective focused on improvement and development in production processes and processes,
- To have working principles in which all competencies are exhibited in order to provide quality goods and services.
Reliability and Sustainability
- Establishing a high-standard management and operating structure within the company and ensuring its functionality,
- Ensuring that all units work with quality management awareness,
- Working with suppliers that are suitable for the corporate structure and meticulously selected,
- Supporting and improving the existing knowledge, skills and experiences of its employees with continuous training,
- Effective use of existing and alternative energy sources,
- Being in the perspective of constantly improving company performance by making decisions based on measurable data analysis.
Respect for the Environment
- Foreseeing possible damage to the environment in enterprises, designing appropriate processes before they occur, eliminating the resulting damages,
- While realizing corporate targets, on the other hand, using an environmentally friendly production model, improving environmental management system and using environmentally friendly products, tools and equipment,
- Developing control mechanisms with an environmental perspective and finding ways to eliminate and improve risks by identifying risks as a result of continuous audits,
- To use materials economically, to try to minimize our waste rates,
- Doing business with the perspective of preventing water and energy consumption,
- Working with the right disposal companies that classify the wastes in accordance with the legislation and ensuring that they are disposed of properly.